Thank You Jamil.
March 3, 1948 - September 20, 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce that Jamil Khartabil has passed away. He was with family earlier in the day on September 20 in Damascus. He did not check in like normal, come evening time. He died of natural causes.
Before the Syrian Civil War in 2011, Jamil was a kind scholar whose home was filled with culture and his own published books. He believed in education, discussion and was a progressive man. His most progressive act was raising his son, Bassel Khartabil.
Success, not Failure
The Bassel Khartabil Fellowship expresses gratitude to everyone who loved Bassel and his father Jamil. After Bassel’s passing, we worked very hard to get both Noura Ghazi supported and Jamil to Canada to live out his days with his family. In the end, we did not accomplish that goal. Since, we have learned much.
Not so long ago, the Syrian Civil War appeared as a far-away uprising that could never happen “where I live”. In 2019, after the largest democratic protests ever in Hong Kong that spread globally which then segued to the Covid-19 Pandemic worldwide which led to large scale social unrest, humanity seems connected through world tragedy.
Jamil taught Bassel to be a non-violent pacifist. Both of the Khartabil’s, Father and Son, believed in peace and harmony, not conflict and violence.
The Bassel Khartabil Project wanted to say thank you to you for your part in fighting hard, in a non-violent, peaceful way to support Jamil and Bassel while they still joined us in this reality, on this Earth.
Life is hard. Syria has so many tragic tales of human suffering. Jamil and Bassel both brought us together to this common cause.
“Success” is that we struggled together to bring meaning to the tragedies.
And, through our shared struggle, the story of Jamil and Bassel has successfully touched millions of people, for all the ages. The story does not exist without you.
Charges for the Future
Our work is not done. There are three major efforts we would like you to join. First, Jamil was a scholar who spent his life writing and producing work. Unfortunately, this work is scattered. We will do our best to combine it together here. If you have a lead on Jamil Khartabil texts, please let us know so we may include.
Second, Jamil looked forward to visiting his ancestral home, Safad, Palestine. This did not happen. In the future, we will do some effort or gathering there in Safad. If you have an opportunity on this, let us know. Remember, when many of us met Bassel, he was Bassel Safadi. Palestinians often took on the name of their ancestral homes as a token of remembrance.
And third, let us find ways to work together with and support Noura Ghazi and the project NOPHOTOZONE she and Bassel co-founded. Please get in touch to support this project.
Bassel and his Dad were both Atheists. Bassel’s dad was persecuted, jailed and beaten, often for these beliefs he espoused through his writings. That might not mean much to those of you who believe in God(s). If anything, underscores the need for us come together in-person in the land of the living. That is where our work exists and that is why it is imperative to fellowship together while we are living.
To join our efforts, please email info@basselkhartabil
Jamil Khartabil was a Palestinian International writer and scholar who believed in peace, non-violence and published broadly in Arabic language on Atheism. He earned a degree in Art & Arabic Language from the Beirut Arab University BAU, and and an Institute degree in Electronics. He studied journalism and worked in the press as an editor. He taught Arabic language in Syria, then completed research and writing. Throughout his career he published a number of articles and stories in Palestinian and Arab magazines. He was born in Safad, Palestine on March 3, 1948 and died in Damascus, Syria on September 20, 2021. He is survived by his loving Khartabil family spread around the world and Noura Ghazi, the widow of Bassel Khartabil. His teachings, patience and love live on through the millions of people living who know of Jamil’s greatest gift to the world, his son, Bassel Khartabil.
27 September 2021